Vishu 2024: 7 Must-Try Dishes In Kerala

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A grand feast comprising a variety of vegetarian dishes served on a banana leaf. Sadya usually includes rice, sambar, avial (a mixed vegetable curry), thoran (stir-fried vegetables with coconut), olan (ash gourd cooked in coconut milk), pachadi (yogurt-based curry), and payasam (sweet dessert).

Appam with Stew

Appam, a fluffy pancake made from fermented rice batter, is often served with a delicious stew. The stew is typically made with coconut milk, vegetables, and sometimes chicken or lamb.

Fish Curry

Kerala is known for its delicious fish curries, often made with coconut milk, spices, and a variety of fish such as kingfish, sardines, or pearl spot fish (karimeen). It's usually served with steamed rice or appam.


A mixed vegetable curry made with a variety of locally available vegetables, coconut, and seasoned with curry leaves and coconut oil. It's a must-have dish in a traditional Kerala feast.


A sweet dessert made with milk, sugar, rice, and sometimes with vermicelli or lentils, flavored with cardamom, saffron, and nuts. There are several varieties of payasam, including palada payasam, semiya payasam, and parippu payasam.

Karimeen Pollichathu

A popular Kerala delicacy, karimeen (pearl spot fish) is marinated in a mixture of spices, wrapped in banana leaves, and then grilled or roasted. The banana leaves impart a unique flavor to the fish.

Banana Chips

Thinly sliced bananas fried to crispy perfection in coconut oil, seasoned with salt or spices. Banana chips are a quintessential snack in Kerala and are often served during festivals like Vishu.


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