
Must Watch: The Hyundai Super Bowl ad that 'reunited' deployed troops with families

As football (not soccer) fans and lovers across the globe, especially in the United States tuned into the Super Bowl Li finale Sunday night at the NRG Stadium, Houston in Texas, South Korean automobile company Hyundai pulled off an ad that nobody saw coming.

Must Watch: The Hyundai Super Bowl ad that 'reunited' deployed troops with families

New Delhi: As football (not soccer) fans and lovers across the globe, especially in the United States tuned into the Super Bowl Li finale Sunday night at the NRG Stadium, Houston in Texas, South Korean automobile company Hyundai pulled off an ad that nobody saw coming.

As the finale of the Super Bowl was being played between Patriots of New England and Falcons of Atlanta, Hyundai US did what no one expected – they virtually 'reunited' deployed US troops with their families, giving them a chance to watch the match together.

Few selected US troops who were deployed in Poland, 5,000 miles away from their homeland, had the chance of a lifetime to watch the Hyundai Super Bowl Li finale with their families who were watching it live in the stadium.

Check out the video below to believe it. It's indeed heartwarming from Hyundai to carry out such an ad.