
Pierce Brosnan wants Barack Obama to help save whales

Former `James Bond` star Pierce Brosnan is on a new mission now. The actor wants President Barack Obama administration to help prevent the illegal killing of whales.

Los Angeles: Former `James Bond` star Pierce Brosnan is on a new mission now. The actor wants President Barack Obama administration to help prevent the illegal killing of whales. In a new video for International Fund for Animal Welfare, Brosnan, 57, said, "whales face more threats today than ever before" from everything from pollution to professional whalers to climate change, the People magazine reported.
Addressing the US President, Brosnan said, "As a candidate you promised to end illegal whaling, and we applauded your leadership. But recent reports reveal your administration supports an international proposal, which gives Japan, Iceland and Norway the license to kill whales." In a statement, White House said, "When it comes to international whaling, the goal of the Obama Administration is to conserve whales. The Administration reaffirms its unwavering support for the commercial whaling moratorium and believes that lethal scientific whaling is unnecessary in modern whale conservation management." PTI