
Big body movements key to `wooing women on the dance floor`

Big body movements may attract ridicule on the dance floor but they could woo the fair sex.

New Delhi: Blokes, please note -- big body movements and fancy footwork may attract ridicule on the dance floor but they could woo the fair sex, says a new study. Psychologists have carried out the study and found that slick and cool moves are not what women want – instead they are attracted to big body movements like running on the spot, windmill arms and spinning.
This is because delicate moves of the head, neck and torso are signs of desirable physical qualities such as core body strength, good health and flexibility, says the study. On the other hand, if men use subtle movement and shuffle around the dance floor, they may never catch the eye of the opposite sex, `The Daily Telegraph` reported. "Dancing in the animal kingdom shows off health, fitness and skillfulness and it is the same on the dance floor. It`s all about body movement. Tilting forward, backwards, left and right and twisting around. It is all about big movements and variation. PTI