
Bottoms Up Beer dispenser fills mugs 9 times faster

It’s a common sight to see people crowding a bar waiting for a mug of beer.

Sydney: It’s a common sight to see people crowding a bar waiting for a mug of beer – thanks to the Bottoms Up Beer Dispenser, that may no longer happen.
American company GrinOn Industries will soon begin distributing the dispenser that fills beer in cups from the bottom up "at a rate of up to nine times that of traditional beer taps". How? Each plastic cup has a hole in the bottom wide enough for a nozzle to be inserted. The key to keeping the hole sealed when beer is put in through the bottom is via a circle magnet that when pushed up by the nozzle lifts up so beer can be put in. When the beer is full, the machine automatically cuts off and all a bartender needs to do is just pull the beer off of the nozzle and the magnetic circle is then drawn back down to the cup by a tin magnetic ring embedded in the cup. "Australians love beer probably more than Americans do. I say that when it comes to drinking beer, Americans are like kids compared to the rest of the world. There’s a lot more alcohol in beer in Australia and in Europe. No offense to my fellow American beer-drinkers,” the Sydney Morning Herald quoted company founder Josh Springer. The technology would likely come to Australia mid-2012, he said. A dispenser with four nozzles costs USD3400. And the cost of a Bottoms Up plastic cup varies between US 36 cents and US 75 cents, depending on what size cup you want. ANI