
All about Ruchira Mittal

Ruchira says it’s her belief that The Tarot chooses you to be its reader, interpreter. She had no idea she had ‘the gift’, until someone presented her with a brand new pack of the Rider Waite Tarot cards, almost 25 years ago. “I held the cards in my hands, and I felt their energy”, says Ruchira, eyes twinkling with the passion of an inspired student of The Tarot.

Ruchira says it’s her belief that the Tarot chooses you to be its reader and interpreter. She had no idea she had ‘the gift’ until someone presented her with a brand new pack of the Rider Waite Tarot cards, almost 33 years ago. “I held the cards in my hands, and I felt their energy,” says Ruchira, eyes twinkling with the passion of an inspired student of the Tarot.

The Tarot is not on a single plane—the two-dimensional face that you see on the surface. There are layers upon layers of messages embedded in that loaded deck of 78 cards. “The cards have a life of their own and they never cease to amaze and surprise me, with the kinds of answers they throw up,” says Ruchira.

The entire cosmic code of karma, fate, destiny is laid out on the faces of the cards—the past, the present, the future. They are all there to see.

If the reader is truly evolved and her cards are charged right, there is no question that the Tarot cannot answer. 

“I’m grateful the Tarot chose me,” says Ruchira and adds that all such readings should be taken with a pinch of salt.

A graduate in English Honours from the Delhi University, Ruchira has turned her love for literature into her profession. She mentors young students and helps them become writers of published fiction. She is a proud mother to two wonderful children. Ruchira writes everyday and hopes to complete her book soon. Meanwhile, she helps others tell their stories.