
You have to be in it to win it: Abhinav Bindra

The Beijing Olympics 2008 brought forth unmatched laurels for India. History was created as the 25 year old Abhinav Bindra won an individual gold medal, a first for India. Swati Chaturvedi of Zeenews approached the golden boy, who shot into the hearts of a billion, for a historic and exclusive interview for ‘Kahiye Janaab’.

The Beijing Olympics 2008 brought forth unmatched laurels for India. History was created as the 25 year old Abhinav Bindra won an individual gold medal, a first for India. Swati Chaturvedi of Zeenews approached the golden boy, who shot into the hearts of a billion, for a historic and exclusive interview for ‘Kahiye Janaab’.Swati: What is Abhinav Bindra’s X factor?
Abhinav: I think it is the ability to show courage when you are in the spotlight, to fight your fears. When you are on the final shot for the gold medal, you have everything to lose. There is a fear of performance as you have just one hour in four years to deliver.

Swati: It is said that you are icy and extremely cold when you are in your zone, aiming at your target. What is your take on that?

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Abhinav: These comments are made by people who don’t know me. I’m composed but not ice cold.

Swati: You did not display a lot of emotions on winning the medal. Why?

Abhinav: Let’s not always get carried away. Let’s not make a fuss everytime we win or lose. I am like that, I’m not dramatic in real life. I don’t make a fuss of things and I respect my competitors.

It was my day but even they tried their best and that must be respected. There isn’t much difference between winning and losing.

Swati: Has the victory put any pressure on you?

Abhinav: No, there’s no pressure on me as such. We’ve won a gold medal, we can win at least ten golds given the amount of talent that we have. We shouldn’t be content with one gold.

Swati: You come from a different background when compared to an average athlete. You didn’t need the government’s support in your preparations. Or, can we say that you are a typical sportsperson?

Abhinav: I might not be a typical athlete, I might have got better facilities but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t have to work hard. I think I had to work harder. I have been hearing this (the financial background) for twelve years and it affects me at times because I know I have worked really hard, maybe harder than others.

You can’t buy a gold medal. I’m fortunate that I got the facilities but… (Laughs) don’t blame me! I worked hard too. My father has worked very hard for everything.

Swati: How much do you think that your parents and their efforts played a part in your victory?

Abhinav: A major part of my victory is due to my parents. Apart from the financial support, they were very supportive of me emotionally, and that for me is a bigger help.

They supported me when I was down and out. The emotional support was great.

Swati: Did you actually start shooting by placing an apple or a balloon on your maid’s head?Abhinav: (Laughs)... It is a story made up by the media. Swati: Why did you start shooting?

Abhinav: Shooting was a hobby. When we shifted to Chandigarh, I was introduced to a coach (Lt. Dhillon) at the age of thirteen. I found my passion.

Swati: What was it that kept you stuck to the sport? Twelve years is a long time, didn’t you get distracted?

Abhinav: Hard to say. I was determined. My passion and my upbringing are the keys. My parents brought me up like that.

Swati: Why do you love shooting?

Abhinav: I was good at it, I saw myself doing well and that kept me going.

Swati: It is said that you don’t like music, why?

Abhinav: I don’t know. It is just normal.

Swati: You were interested in stock markets. How is that shaping up?

Abhinav: (Laughs) I was in training for two months and the markets collapsed. I guess I’ll have to find another hobby now.

Swati: Are you into Bollywood?

Abhinav: There were a lot of times when I was into training and had to watch a movie in fast forward to save time.

I like to do what I do best and that’s why I haven’t had much time for Bollywood.

Swati: Are you game for endorsements?

Abhinav: I haven’t got many offers. If I do get them, I’ll study and see if I fit them. I won’t run after everything.Swati: Your dad thinks that since you have achieved your first goal, your next aim should be marriage and then business. What’s your take on that? Abhinav: I would like to take a more active part in the business as my father has been working very hard over the years. I’d like to share his burden.

I’m too young to marry. Better be an eligible bachelor for a while.

I’ve been single throughout my life, I’ve been working very hard, my life looks like a fairy tale but it has been very tough.

Swati: Would you say that you have sacrificed a lot in terms of a normal life?

Abhinav: Of course I have. It’s not just me, life is hard for a sportsperson. You have to sacrifice a lot.

Swati: Do you think we don’t meet international training requirements?

Abhinav: We have coaches, you can say that there is a dearth of technical know-how of the latest equipment. If we train the coaches according to the latest in the sport, great results will flow. This is one reason why we need foreign coaches.

Swati: Does cricket out other sports on a backburner?

Abhinav: Cricket is our favourite game. Yes, other sports do get a raw deal because of that.

The corporate world should step in now. Corporates need to adopt one sport each.

Swati: Since you have achieved your dream of winning Olympics gold, what do you dream of now?

Abhinav: I’m still searching for them and just resting.

Swati: How much do you practice?

Abhinav: I practice for about forty hours in a week.

Swati: What keeps you going when the probability of success is low?

Abhinav: Sports is a risky business, there is no guarantee of success, and you have to have a lot of passion to keep going. Passion to do well works, not rocket technology!

Swati: It is often said that the delegations and crowds of officials that are there with the athletes are not really helping to the cause. What’s your take on that?

Abhinav: It is true, Beijing Games were an example of that. I don’t know how many officials from our side were there but I feel that you should rather send future athletes so that they can have more exposure to the international arena.Swati: How does it feel to be in the spotlight? Specially all the politicians coming for a photo-shoot with you? Abhinav: It is interesting to meet new people and interact with them. You get a bigger picture of the world.
Swati: What is the biggest cliché question asked by people to you these days?

Abhinav: How do you feel?

Swati: Are we ever going to see Abhinav Bindra in politics?

Abhinav: No, never. The only thing I’d like to do is to give something back to Indian sports. Our athletes deserve every opportunity to succeed. Our government does spend money on them. There needs to be a direction in which we need to head.

Swati: Is it lonely at the top?

Abhinav: It is not lonely. There’s a new chapter in my life.

Swati: Will you run a hotel?

Abhinav: I don’t know. I’ll work hard and give my dad a break.

Swati: What are the two words in which you’d like to describe yourself?

Abhinav: Toughie, Fighter.

Swati: What do you want to say to your fellow athletes?

Abhinav: I’d like to give this message to all the athletes and people who work hard.

You have to work hard, there will be moments when you fail but have the courage to stand up.

You have to be in it to win it.

Adaptation by: Vineet Sharma