
Kevin Sorbo miffed for not being cast in `Hercules` movie

`Hercules: The Legendary Journeys` star Kevin Sorbo is upset for being denied a cameo in the upcoming `Hercules` film.

Los Angeles: `Hercules: The Legendary Journeys` star Kevin Sorbo is upset for being denied a cameo in the upcoming `Hercules` film.
The 55-year-old actor said he asked for a small part in the movie but was rejected, reportedly."I think it`s kind of stupid really," he said, adding, "To not put me in a cameo is taking the business out of show business." Sorbo said his team asked director Brett Ratner about appearing in the role. "We approached the director. I don`t know what his reasons are. I don`t know if it was political or ego or what it is? To not put me in for a stupid little cameo? The audience would have loved it," he added. Ratner`s representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Sorbo`s television series ran for six seasons from 1995-99.