
Dog guards cats during Oz house fire

Cats and dogs may be traditional enemies but a little Australian pooch has defied expectations by risking his life to guard four kittens caught in a burning house. Pint-sized Leo, of unknown breed, remained in a Melbourne house during a fire late Saturday to protect the cats even though another family dog and the household`s human residents had escaped.

Sydney, Oct 26: Cats and dogs may be traditional enemies but a little Australian pooch has defied expectations by risking his life to guard four kittens caught in a burning house.Pint-sized Leo, of unknown breed, remained in a Melbourne house during a fire late Saturday to protect the cats even though another family dog and the household`s human residents had escaped.
Firefighters fought their way into the home to rescue Leo and his smaller charges. "A dog named Leo... was guarding four kittens in the second bedroom," fire brigade commander Ken Brown told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "They got him out of the house and successfully resuscitated him." Bureau Report