
Know your body Prakriti

A human body is often described as pious and pure as a temple. The fact remains that in order to maintain the sanctity of this 'temple', we must understand our own body type.

Just as science explains the body with chromosomes to define the genetic coding or the body constitution, Ayurveda revolves around the concept of body Prakriti.

The knowledge of Ayurveda enables everyone to recognize and come across their own body type depending upon the various dietary preferences, behavioural patterns, skin type, performance abilities, temperament that are all strikingly different in any two individuals.

According to the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda, the human body is a combination of various components like Dosha (vata, pitta, kapha), Dhatu [plasma (rasa)], Blood (rakta), muscles (mamsa), fat (meda), bone (asthi), marrow(majja), and semen (shukra)], Indriya (5 senses), Manas (mind), Buddhi (intellect) and Atma (soul).

Of the vast arena of knowledge and various elements in the human body, the doshas – 'Vata', 'Pitta' and 'Kapha'- control the functional aspects of the human body. Therefore, anybody's Prakriti is determined by a unique combination of these three doshas (Tridoshas).

It is believed according to the study of Ayurveda that Prakriti is formed at the inception of human life and usually does not alter during the later phases. To know about your unique profile and Prakriti, encompassing the physical, functional and behavioural characteristics, let us delve deeper into the subject of Tridosha.

Known as the manifestation of energy, Vata dosha can rightly be equated to any form of movable energy.

Pitta represents the somatic energy in all living forms that convert the ingested food into energy needed by the human body. Pitta is primarily distributed in the regions of umbilicus, the stomach and small intestines, sweat, lymph, blood, plasma, eyes and skin.

Kapha is principally distributed in chest, throat, head, plasma, fatty deposition and tongue. If Vata is kinetic energy then Kapha is potential energy.


Getting to know your body Prakriti:

VATA: Vata attributes manifesting in the body are:

The basic symptoms of Vata are dry skin, hair, lips, tongue and dry colon. Adding to it is the tendency towards constipation, hoarse voice, light muscles, thin body frame, scanty sleep, can be underweight.

Might have cold hands, feet, hates cold and loves hot, notable stiffness in muscles. Other attributes are rough nails, skin and cracking joints. Also, anxiety, insecurity, fine tremors are quite commonly found. If you think your check list is filling with these symptoms then your body Prakriti is Vata.

Vata people have delicate body, have a habit of walking fast, talking fast, and multi tasking. They encounter mood swings and have shaky faith. They have clear, empty mind, sometimes they experience void and loneliness.

PITTA: Pitta attributes manifesting in the body are:

Pitta body type features good digestive fire, strong appetite, body temperature tends to be higher than normal, they have difficulty with heat, loss of hair, have pointy teeth, penetrating eyes, pointed nose and chin, good absorption, digestion and sharp memory. They are also found to be hard working, have fair skin often emitting a warm glow but is prone to rashes and freckles, bright eyes, have irritation to liver and gall bladder.

They cannot tolerate deep fried food, can notice excess urine, sweat and thirst. Pitta spreads acne rash, inflammation. Pitta Prakriti people are highly ambitious.

KAPHA: Kapha attributes manifesting in the body are:

Kapha Prakriti highlights larger body frame, bones, muscles, are overweight, have deep heavy voice, sluggish metabolism, cold clammy skin, poor appetite, reseated colds, congestion, they have desire for hot spicy food. They have oily skin and hair, can notice dense pad of fat. They mostly have thick skin, hair and nails, plump round organs, soft pleasing looks, are loving caring compassionate and kind. They love to sleep a lot, are attached in love and relationships.

Kapha people usually have cloudy mornings, their mind is foggy and need tea/ coffee to stimulate the day.

The beauty of Ayurveda is that it enables you to get into the root of the problems and cure them with the herbs and medicines that are available to mankind (earth's produce). It establishes a connect between your senses and your body responses. In a lay man's language--it teaches you to hear your body, which is the most fascinating creation. Ayurveda is not only treatment with ancient medicines, but it is a lifestyle formed for the best of the human body.

It not only treats the organs but rejuvenates the mind, body and soul by penetrating into the deepest shelves of the physical and conscious system establishing well being all through. It is medicinal 'Veda' evolved in our own country--which makes it even more important for us to develop an understanding about the form.

Harmony, peace and bliss are better to experience than hear, and Ayurvedic practices are surely a catalyst in getting out the best of us as it cleanses the body as a vessel and rejuvenates the brain.

Nature, that gives us a high, in only minutes if we try to connect with, is the same source through which the knowledge has been acquired. Natural practices will remain unbeatable and irreplaceable as Ayurveda is a direction of the 'upaveda' or 'auxiliary knowledge' in Vedic tradition.

The origins of Ayurveda are also said to be found in the 'Atharvaveda', that contains 114 hymns and incantations described as magical cures for any kind of disease. This knowledge has been derived from the Indus Valley Civilization and stills reigns supreme as nothing has come above finer than this.

The best way to know, listen and connect with the temple called body enables one to move forward towards other stages of meditation. Well, this will surely lure meditation lovers.

It becomes important for us to feed the body with the best and not the suppressing medicines. Greet yourself with nature, as it would never harm but nourish as we come from it and one day shall immerse in it.

''Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam ch

Aturasya rog prashmanam ch''

(Ensuring the health of the healthy body and saving the diseased from the illness)