
How to prevent cold and flu during rainy season!

Although there is no exact cure for these common viral infections, a few good self-care therapies and over-the-counter painkillers can be combined to deal with it.

Many of us fall ill during the rainy season mostly due to sudden weather change causing fluctuation in your body temperature. At these times of humidity and alternate heat and cold, our immune system also weakens. Hence, a weak immune system can make us vulnerable to colds, cough and flus, especially during this time of the year when our body is exposed to various undesirable factors.
Therefore, one should eat nutritious food to remain healthy and to ward off bacteria and viruses that produces toxins causing colds, cough, influenzas and other common diseases. Both flus and colds are caused by viruses, but with different families of viruses. They are often confused for each other as they have very similar symptoms like- runny nose, cough, fever, nasal congestion, body aches and headache. While, a cold usually lasts about a week, flu takes longer time to get healed. Although there is no exact cure for these common viral infections, a few good self-care therapies and over-the-counter painkillers can be combined to deal with it. Below are some of the best tips to help you cure or stay away from cold or flu: - Have hot and nourishing soups. - Take plenty of fluids especially fruit juices. - Do not take alcohol or caffeine as they can cause dehydration. - Increase your Vitamin C intake such as orange juice. This will reduce the severity or duration of cold as it activates the antibodies in your body. - Try to avoid refrigerated food and drinks. - Drink boiled and cooled water only. - Eat nutritious foods with lots of fruits and vegetables. - Have proper bed rest. - Get enough sleep. - Try to keep yourself and your surrounding clean as much as you can. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. It is the best way to prevent the common cold or flu. - Have regular exercise. - Avoid exposure to cold weather and rains. Take a shower immediately if you got wet to guard yourself from infections. - While health experts recommend taking analgesics like ibuprofen and paracetamol for relieving the aches and pains, aspirin is not recommended, especially in children and teenagers, as it could cause a potentially fatal reaction called Reye’s syndrome. - Seek timely medical care and stay healthy during the rainy season. Compiled by: Salome Phelamei