
Syrian refugees receiving UN aid in Lebanon reach 115,000

The number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon receiving aid from the UN reached the mark of 115,000, according to the latest report from UNHCR.

Beirut: The number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon receiving aid from the United Nations (UN) reached the mark of 115,000, according to the latest report from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
The UNHCR pointed that the number increased by 15,000 over the past weeks. The lack of cooperation between the government and refugee officials has hindered aid operations. Some 11,000 Syrians were forced to seek refuge in neighboring countries in recent days. The UNHCR is expanding operations across the country to reach the vastly growing refugee community with food and shelter. The report said that the agency has registered 83,860 refugees in the country and another 31,000 more are in the process of registration. Local charities and activists estimate that there are tens of thousands more refugees in the country who have not registered for UN assistance. The UNCHR opened a registration point in south Lebanon city Sidon at the end of October, with 1,465 people registered and another 1,600 more people are on the way. ANI