
Love Yourself

A women’s life has become extremely hectic in today’s world. She has literally become the embodiment of Goddess Durga, the devi with ten arms. Multi-tasking has become her second nature.

Sushmita Dutta
A woman’s life has become extremely hectic in today’s world. She has literally become the embodiment of Goddess Durga, the devi with ten arms. Multi-tasking has become her second nature. On the one hand she deftly runs the household, manages the kids and takes care of her family members; on the other hand she also excels in her office handling extremely important positions. She is the perfect example of balance and equilibrium! But in this mesh of rush and responsibility, the woman sadly loses herself. The beauty, the innocence and the simplicity of the girl inside her is lost on the way. She is so busy in the mad rush of life that the woman in her takes a back seat. Every woman has a right to carve out some time exclusively for herself. In this time she must try and regain her inner soul. Here are a few tips: 1.Give in to your desires Call the pizza guy and order a mouth watering, cheese dripping pizza; or buy a huge chocolate cake for yourself. At times go on a shopping spree and shop till you drop. Do anything that you have a guilt feeling about, but wanted to do it. Forget about those calories and gorge into your favourite delicacies. Pamper yourself thoroughly! 2. Indulge in your pastimes When you were young you liked to read books, watch movies, listen to music. But with time everything faded into oblivion. Find one day in the week and engage yourself in what you love doing. Read a book after your hubby dozes off; watch the horror movie you have been dying to watch at midnight. Just have fun! 3. Enjoy an exotic bath Stack your bathroom with the most exotic kinds of aromatic oils and creams; use this time exclusively for your own self. Wash away all your day-to-day troubles and tensions with water and perfumed oils. 4. Be comfortable in your skin God has made everyone different. So everyone has a different kind of physical appearance. Instead of cribbing about the body you have, you should enjoy your body. Negative thoughts about you will only bring low self-esteem. Try to find the beauty hidden in your self and it is not always superficial. It not always about the latest fashion fads that make you look beautiful, it could just be your positive attitude that can make you body and face radiant. So this Women’s Day get a new attitude and flaunt it! 5. Plan to take a walk Find half-an hour everyday to take a walk near your home or around your office premises. Get away from the girlie gossip and give your mind a blank space. The fresh air will enliven your heart and soul and keep you rejuvenated for the entire day. 6. Find ways to save your time Try and manage your household chores like shopping your groceries, going to vegetable market, cooking etc in a single go. This way there will be enough time during the entire day to indulge in yourself and also find quality time with your family. Also when possible do a multi-task, shop while returning from office. This way you will save time. Use this time to do your favourite things. Using your time judiciously will only help you. 7. Utilise your time while office-going Lots of people take a car or a metro to offices. This is the time you spend exclusively with yourself. Put your favourite number and enjoy the quietness of your car. Reconnect with your inner self. Just pick up any soft music of your choice which you just love and let the music sink in. 8. Splurge in yourself First make a list of things you want to do and then go ahead and do them. If you face any kind of time constraint, take up one thing at a time. On your off days join a dance class, go to a gym, learn to play guitar. Do just anything that was always on your mind, but you somehow never found time to get into it. “From women`s eyes this doctrine I derive: They sparkle still the right Promethean fire; they are the books, the arts, the academes, that show, contain, and nourish the entire world.” Shakespeare