
Juliette` s paintings on exhibition

Juliette Binoche will soon have exhibition of her portraits.

New York: Oscar-winning actress Juliette Binoche of "The English Patient" fame will figure in a month-long series of artistic events here next month that includes an exhibition of her portraits and poetry."In-Eyes" will include 58 ink washes on paper as well as poems, all created and selected by Juliette.
This will be her first art show on American soil and will offer a unique opportunity to discover a new facet of the multi-talented French artist, who is also a dancer, poet and painter. Her various talents will converge in New York City and Brooklyn in "In-I & Jubilations" that include dance performances, a film retrospective, book signings (of her art book "Portraits In-Eyes"), a new film release ("Paris" by Cedric Klapisch) and a documentary about her produced by her sister Marion Stalens at the Cultural Services of the French Embassy here. "In-Eyes" will feature 29 triptychs, each including one of these "in character" self-portraits, a portrait of the related movie`s director and a poem addressed to the director. "The heat and emotion to be generated, like the physical stamina to be supplied, are part of an actor`s life. None of it is definitive; it`s just a record-a fleeting and subjective perception-of one moment in life. Technique simply came with the desire to paint, without preconceptions," Juliette says. Bureau Report