
IIT-Roorkee students dance to Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape of You’ and they just nail it – VIRAL VIDEO

The music video has been made by the members of the Choreography and Dance Section of IIT-Roorkee.

IIT-Roorkee students dance to Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape of You’ and they just nail it – VIRAL VIDEO Screengrab

Roorkee: A video has gone viral showing the students of Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee shaking their legs on Ed Sheeran’s latest hit track `Shape of You`.

The video, released on Valentine’s Day, is themed on the idea of spending a “less lonely” V-Day.

The music video has been made by the members of the Choreography and Dance Section of IIT-Roorkee.

Believe us, the music video is a treat and some are even finding it better than the original.

Watch it here: