Washington: The United States has shared a fresh list of terror groups, which includes the LeT and JeM, with Pakistan and asked Islamabad to take prompt action against them, a media report said on Thursday.


The exhaustive list has the names of 20 terror outfits and some are also operating in India and Afghanistan, the Dawn reported citing diplomatic sources.

The Trump administration is apparently miffed over the lack of progress in reigning in these groups operating from the Pakistani soil.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who recently visited Pakistan and India, reportedly told a US Senate Committee that Islamabad was willing to target terrorists if provided with specific information about their whereabouts.

The list provided by the recent US delegation to Pakistan contained information “beyond just names of individuals”, Tillerson reportedly said.

The future exchange of information would go beyond “specific location on any given day of where certain individuals or certain cells may be located,” the report quated Tillerson as saying.

Top on the list is the Haqqani network which, the US claims has safe havens in Pakistan and launches attacks in Afghanistan.

Besides the Haqqani network, the Pakistan-based militant group Harakatul Mujahideen, which primarily operates in Kashmir, also figured in the list.

Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), which also operates in Kashmir, Jundullah and Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are also in the list.

The LeT was involved in the 2001 parliament attack and the 2008 Mumbai attack.

The Lashkar-i-Jhanghvi, an offshoot of anti-Shia Pakistani sectarian group, was also named in the list. The US blames this group for committing target killings.

Other groups on the list included Harakatul Jihadi-i-Islami, Jamaatud Dawa al-Quran and Tariq Gidar Group, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Indian Mujahideen, Islamic Jihad Union and Al Qaeda in the Indian Sub-Continent.