New Delhi: Top Bhojpuri actress Rani Chatterjee has once again taken the internet by storm with her amazing dance video. In her latest Instagram post, she shared a TikTok video where she's dancing on a 'Gully Boy' track.


She wrote in the caption: “Mera tiktok hai..Jinka tiktok hai unhe rone ki koi zarurat nahi new user hai wo download nhi kar enjoy...bole to BAHOT HARD #tiktokdance #tiktokkeren #tiktokfunny @indiatiktok.”

TikTok—the popular video-sharing app has been banned and will no longer be available for download in India. The ruling has been imposed over the alleged controversial content and exposure of pornography to children.

Meanwhile, all those who have the app can still use it. It will not be available on Apple and Google stores.

Rani has a solid fan following of 319k on Instagram. A few days back, she even shared a TikTok video with her mother.

Rani has featured as of now over 44 movies and has won accolades for her performances in many blockbuster hits. She got the Best Actress of the year for her performance in Nagin at the 6th Bhojpuri Awards 2013.

Recently, she was seen on Kapil Sharma's popular comedy show along with other Bhojpuri stars such as Dinesh Lal Yadav aka Nirahua, Aamrapali Dubey and Khesari Lal Yadav.