Resurgent Bharat
Article 370 nullification was India finding its Arjuna spirit over Kashmir
We must not ignore the Hindu connection in the 2019 Lok Sabha election
The myth of Hindu majoritarianism
2019 election is Narendra Modi versus the Dynasty and its shadowy alliances
Vedic Vision
Your true self, Vedanta and modern psychology
Why India's new assertive Kashmir policy is essential
Bad Hindu, Good Hindu: The creation of a new politics of Hinduism vs Hindutva
Battle over Sabarimala is political, not about religion, gender or culture
Hindu temples are targets of systematic oppression by government, courts
Essence of the Yoga Sutras
Navaratri: World's longest, most dramatic, direct worship of Universal Mother
The use of images and Murti Puja in the Vedas
The Upanishads, India's enduring legacy of Self-knowing
Sri Ganesha as the Cosmic Guru
Krishna and the Mahabharata hold lessons on the challenges of today's India
Why India's ancient Rigveda remains one of humanity's most important books
Why the practice of Yoga should begin with Ayurveda
The profound relevance of Vedic knowledge today
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