
Relationship advice: Don`t look for the love of your life

Advice on how to find the right partner without any misconceptions. Here`s the truth!

Advice on how to find the right partner without any misconceptions. Here`s the truth!
Quantity is not quality “The more people I go out with, the more chance I have of finding the love of my life.” If you are looking for the love of your life, you are probably destined to always stay single. It is important that you are clear on what you want and what you are willing to give. It is all similar to finding a job. You can apply for every position and hope the job is available, that you will like it and that they will give you a huge pay check, lots of vacation time and a company car. But there is a very small chance of this happening with a random employer. So it is important to limit your choices in advance. Limit your list and eliminate the unwanted candidates! You have to go out with the right person and not a coincidental one. So have a filter, sift through the options, sift through the possible candidates, and do not waste time on everyone your friends or your relatives "recommend" to you. This filter should involve only most obvious and key points. We know something about every person before going out with them and we can evaluate their physical attributes. There is a fear that if you`re too picky, you will miss the right, ideal person, disguised as an ugly duckling, or that you need more time to find out what the person is really like. But the phrase “what we are really like” misguides us. Everything about us is real. If someone seems like a skinhead, it may not necessarily mean he is one, of course. But he is wearing army boots and has a shaven head, and if you do not like such men, then it doesn`t even matter if he is a skinhead or not. If we ignore the appearance and pretend that it doesn`t matter, we are facing an impossible task. You won`t discover someone’s personality even after a hundred dates. You will only get the impression of the mask worn on the date. If the relationship develops, you will see the mask s/he wears as your partner. The only criterion is the visual image and the mask the one you go out with wears. If you don`t like the mask or the appearance, don`t go out with this person. Don`t hope that the truth hides behind the mask and that the appearance will change. Natural selection is chaos “All the beautiful and smart people are taken! (don`t get me started on the rich...)” Natural selection has no pattern. The words "beautiful" and "smart" are empty, they have no definite meaning. In folk terms, people are smart when they are practical, they do not like extremes, try to find the easiest way, do not expect too much, are happy and resourceful. In this sense, “smart” people are hard to find. But they are around. The difference between men and women is also important. A smart woman is different than a smart man. A smart woman is usually the one who understands a “smart” man. And there are no more smart women available. They have all been taken since primary school. There are intelligent women, but “smart” men do not dare hit on them. There`s no greater threat than a woman who is “better” than him. A woman who doesn`t need a man and is self-sufficient is even scarier. Many of them are single, but unfortunately they don`t need a partner. There are even greater problems when it comes to beauty. All the beautiful girls and boys are taken. This doesn`t mean that they are not available. The struggle for a beautiful partner is merciless and you have to act quickly when such a person is single because that won`t last long. Beautiful people often have problems with their self-image. If there is no one to adore them, they start doubting in their beauty. Besides, they are also haunted by the possibility of becoming ugly and old. This fear makes them want to be with someone and so they`re never single for long. It doesn`t matter what the partner is like, as long as s/he adores them. If you really want a beautiful partner, you have to constantly pay compliments to them because they`re vain. If you think that all the beautiful and smart people are taken, remember that there is someone out there for everyone. It is much harder to find the right person among the million different people, especially if you want the most beautiful and the best one, even though this person might be unsuitable for you. Don`t look for the love of your life. Find someone that suits you.