Former India cricketer and Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) captain Gautam Gambhir met Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan recently after the release of new flick 'Jawan'. The film is creating history at the Box Office and it seems Gambhir has already watched the action-thriller. Gambhir posted a photo that he got clicked with SRK and posted it on Instagram. 


Calling Shah Rukh the 'King of Hearts', Gambhir said that there is a lot that we can learn from the actor-producer. "He’s not just the king of Bollywood but the king of hearts. Every time we meet I go back with endless love and respect . So much to learn from u. Simply the best."

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Check out Gambhir's post for Shah Rukh here:

Shah Rukh and Gambhir's association at KKR worked wonders as the Indian Premier League (IPL) side won two titles during cricketer's stay there as captain. Under Gambhir, KKR won two titles - in 2012 and 2014 respectively. Gambhir parted ways ahead of 2017 season, saying that he wants to return to Delhi Capitals (then Delhi Daredevils) and win a title for them. Shah Rukh and Co would have liked him to stay back but Gambhir had made up his mind. 

KKR let go Gambhir and since then the two-time champions have not been able to win a single title. Gambhir had brought the much-needed fire to the team when he was roped in by KKR. Shah Rukh was over-the-top the first time KKR had won the title in 2012. He had hugged, kissed every player of the KKR setup back then. Needless to say, Gambhir and SRK share a close bond which is being reflected in the photo the former cricketer posted on the social media website.

Not to forget, Gambhir is known for his opinions and he does not shy away from making a big statement. However, when it comes to Shah Rukh, he has only good things to say. Gambhir, who is not known for smiling a lot in photos, is brimming with one in this pic with Shah Rukh, which reflects how happy he is with 'King Khan'. Shah Rukh's Jawan is breaking records at the Box Office, nearing the Rs 500 crore mark. The film also stars Vijay Sethupathi and Nayantara and is directed by Atlee.