Moscow, Dec 12: Russian President Vladimir Putin today signed a decree ordering that a referendum be staged in the breakaway Republic of Chechnya to pave the way for presidential elections in the war-torn territory. Putin gave Chechnya's pro-Russian administration one month to prepare proposals for organisation of the referendum, which will be submitted to the Russian government for approval, a Kremlin statement said.
The announcement, made as the Russian leader held a reception in the Kremlin to mark Russian constitution day, came a day after a Congress of pro-Moscow Chechens gathered to discuss a draft constitution for Chechnya.
The draft constitution, due to be submitted to a referendum next march, was made public for the first time at the Chechen People's Congress, as were bills on presidential and parliamentary elections that are to follow the referendum.

Reaffirming his hard line ruling out any peace talks with Chechen separatists, Putin said that the "anti-terrorist" crackdown in Chechnya would not be compromised by any political moves.
"Terrorists and their sponsors is one thing and the political process is quite another," he was quoted as saying by news agencies.
The Congress in Chechnya took place as Russia stepped up its efforts to secure the extradition from Britain of Akhmed Zakayev, a top aide of Chechen rebel president Aslan Maskhadov.
Zakayev, whom Russia branded a terrorist after October's Moscow theatre hostage crisis, appeared briefly in a London court which released him on bail pending a further appearance on January 9. Bureau Report