Chennai, Oct 09: Except for a "minor" incident of burning effigies of Karnataka chief minister S M Krishna and Tamil actor Rajnikant in the city, the 12-hour 'general strike' on Cauvery issue, called by all political parties has remained "peaceful so far," police said here today. Director General of Police B P Nailwal told reporters that attendance in the offices of central government, state government, public sector undertakings and nationalised banks, varied from place to place, hovering between 35 per cent in some districts to 60 per cent in others.
Normal civic and business activities stood paralysed and roads in Chennai and several other big cities in the state wore a deserted look. Buses, taxis, autorickshaws were off the roads. Only private vehicles and two-wheelers were seen plying. Essential services were, however, maintained. Traders had downed their shutters. Cinema houses, restaurants and even tea shops were not open.
There was no suburban electric train services either. However, the arrival and departure of several long distance trains were re-scheduled. Passengers who reached the city by long distance trains before 6.00 am, were transported to their destinations by special buses and even police vans.
Bureau Report