Rome, May 05: Premier Silvio Berlusconi's administration becomes the longest-lasting in the history of the Italian Republic this week, nearing three years in office-no small feat in a country where notoriously wobbly coalitions have collapsed at a rate of one a year since World War II. Since the republic was founded in 1946, Italy has had 59 governments. A 1972 administration set the brevity record, falling after 10 days. The longest was that of the Socialist leader Bettino Craxi, at 1,059 days from 1983-86. Berlusconi swept to victory at the helm of a conservative coalition in May 2001 elections. His government, which was formed a month later, tied Craxi's record Tuesday. It was setting a new record on Wednesday. Much of the blame for Italy's political wobbles can be cast on an electoral system that produced patchwork coalitions and gave small parties the power to topple an administration. The electoral system was reformed a decade ago, setting the way for Berlusconi's record. Berlusconi was premier once before, in 1994, but his government collapsed after seven months in office when a key ally pulled out of the coalition.