New Delhi, Sept 03: A collective effort is needed to realise the potential of Indian football, was the message sent out by a FIFA team currently in India to study and suggest ways to improve the game in the country. "India has high potential like South Korea, Japan and China. But not one person can do it. There has to be a concerted effort from the states, the clubs, the national federation and others," said Alex Soosay, the head of Asian Football Confederation's Technical Department, here.

Paul Mony Samuel, who heads FIFA's Goal Project to discover and nurture football talent in various countries, also echoed the same sentiment.
"There is too much being done by too few a people. There has to be more participation," he said.
The FIFA team is on a eight-day whirlwind tour of India. Having already visited Chennai, Kolkata and Manipur, it will move to Goa and Bangalore from here before flying back to Kuala Lumpur on September 6. Bureau Report