Bangalore, Nov 08: The Indian unit of the Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa conglomerate said on Friday it had launched features targeting Muslim users preparing for the holy fasting month of Ramzan, which began on Thursday. Hutchison Essar said in a statement it was offering subscribers SMS or short-text message service alerts as wake-up calls and for prayers five times a day, for which it will charge 30 rupees for the month.

Subscribers can also listen to four chants from the Koran by dialling a number, for which Hutchison said it would charge one rupee a minute.


Hutchison has launched these services only in Andhra Pradesh, where it started operations in May.

Hutchison has 1.8 million mobile phone service subscribers spread over the seven telecom zones in India where it operates.

India's mobile phone service market, billed as one of the world's fastest growing this decade, had more than 8.5 million subscribers at the end of September, almost double the number a year earlier. Bureau Report