New Delhi, Nov 09: Delhi police will submit a full report to the National Human Rights Commission on the killing of two alleged Islamic militants at a busy shopping centre in New Delhi, a police spokesman said on Friday.

A member of parliament and a journalist filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission after a witness challenged the police version that two men were killed in a 15-minute shoot out on Sunday. Police said the men, who they identified as Pakistani members of a hardline guerrilla group, had planned to attack shoppers on the eve of Diwali.

But the witness, a medical doctor, told a newspaper the two men were unarmed when police commandos gunned them down.

"We will be giving a report in a week`s time with reference to the so-called witness account," said a spokesman for the Delhi police who have faced probing questions from the media about the operation that police said averted a major tragedy.

Dr H. Krishna told The Asian Age newspaper there was no shoot out in the basement parking lot of the shopping centre.

He said he saw the two men, in their twenties, step out of a car and struggle to walk when they were killed.

Pakistan rejected the allegations and suggested the Indian government hold an impartial investigation into the incident.

"Being a doctor I could easily make out that either they had not slept for several days or had taken a heavy dose of sleeping pills...the two boys were shot dead in front of us," he said.

Police officials say the men were members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, a rebel group fighting Indian rule in disputed Kashmir, who were sent by Pakistan to carry out an attack and spark violence between Hindus and Muslims. Bureau Report