Kathmandu, July 07: The World Hindu Federation has opposed any move by the five agitating parties to declare Nepal, a predominantly Hindu nation, a secular state.
A country, where 90 per cent of its population including, Buddhists, Vedic, Jain and Sikhs are the followers of the Arya Sanatan Hindu religion, a secular state is both "ridiculous and against the principles of democracy," WHF president Bharat Keshar Singh said in a statement here.
A meeting of members of the dissolved House of Representatives, organised by the five agitating parties, adopted an 18-point agenda on saturday, which demanded that equal status be given to all religions by amending the constitution.
However, Nepali congress spokesman Arjun Narsingh K.C. Denied that the agitating parties have passed any resolution demanding to declare Nepal a secular state.
"We have not mentioned the word secularism in our agenda. We have only voiced for treating all the religions in an equal manner. We emphasised on protecting all the religions," he added. Earlier, the maoists also proposed to declare Nepal a secular state in their political agenda.

Bureau Report.