Sydney, Dec 22: The Australian government today upgraded its travel advice to Britain and the United States after Washington raised its terrorism alert level. "The reports we have had from America indicate the threat relates to American cities and not to any other country apart from America," Australian Justice Minister Chris Ellison told reporters. "We have no specific information which would cause an increase in our threat level. "It (the threat level) remains at medium and we believe the measures we have taken are appropriate."
Australia's security alert level remains at the second lowest on a scale of four -- a level instigated after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States.
But travel advice to Britain and the United States was upgraded today after the United States lifted its terrorism alert level from "elevated" to "high" after receiving specific information of a terror threat.

"There has been a tape which has allegedly been made by a senior al-Qaeda person. That, I understand, is being tested by the CIA," Ellison said.
Advice on Australia's foreign affairs department website warns travelers to the united states to carefully monitor local developments and news broadcasts.
Bureau Report