Banned terrorist outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad on Monday said it would revive suicide attacks targetting the Army and paramilitary forces and vital installations in Jammu and Kashmir. In a statement issued by the outfit, founded by Maulana Masood Azhar who was released in exchange for the passengers of the Indian Airlines plane hijacked to Kandahar in 1999, said it has decided to "suspend" its activities in other parts of India and confine its operations in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh.
The decision was taken at a meeting of the outfit with its "commander-in-chief" for Kashmir Abu Hijrat in chair. All the "district commanders" from Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh attended the meeting, the statement claimed after the meeting.
Monday`s statement of Jaish under its own name and seal comes on top of reports that the outfit has changed its name.
The statement said the activists of the outfit have been directed to target the Army, BSF, CRPF, special task force of Jammu and Kashmir police, Indian secret agencies and vital installations in the state.
The statement said suicide attacks "will continue with lethal weaponry." Bureau Report