Israeli tanks and bulldozers rolled into Jenin and Jericho in the West Bank early on Thursday, shelling several buildings and setting off exchanges of fire in which three Palestinians were killed and 18 wounded. The Israeli Army said the raids were intended to root out terror, while Palestinians accused the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of exploiting the world's preoccupation with terror attacks in the United States to escalate its military strikes.
Amid the tension, US secretary of state Colin Powell called Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat late on Wednesday.
Arafat agreed to a Powell request that he meet as soon as possible with Israeli foreign minister Shimon Peres, said Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat. However, no date for a meeting has been set, he said. There had been efforts to arrange a meeting earlier this week, but the two sides couldn't agree on a venue.
Sharon's adviser Raanan Gissin confirmed that Powell called the Israeli Prime Minister, but would not say whether possible truce talks were discussed by the two.
The incursions into Jenin and Jericho began around 0430 hrs (IST) onThursday.
Bureau Report