Patna, Mar 25: Agitated over the killing of 24 Kashmiri pandits in Jammu and Kashmir, vociferous BJP members demanding a resolution against the killing today created a ruckus in the state assembly forcing the chair to adjourn the house twice during the Zero-Hour. As Zero-Hour began, slogan-shouting BJP members waved placards and trooped into the well demanding that the state government to bring in a resolution condemning the killing.
Opposition leader in the house, S K Modi argued with the Speaker Sadanand Singh in favour of the resolution, saying that if house could unanimously adopt a resolution condemning the US attack on Iraq why it could not pass a resolution condemning the killing of Kashmiri pandits.
As the din continued Singh was forced to adjourn the house for twenty minutes at 12.10 pm.

The house once again plunged into turmoil when it re-assembled with BJP members storming the well.

The agitating BJP members started thumping the reporters' desk and removed the microphones to press for their demand.
The request by deputy speaker Bhola Prasad Singh failed to generate a response from the agitators forcing Singh to adjourn the house till lunch.

Bureau Report