The Russian defence ministry said on Saturday that the theory of a US submarine clashing with the fated Kursk was strengthened by Washington's refusal to allow a Russian inspection of two US submarines. US Defence Secretary William Cohen's rejection of the request from his Russian counterpart Igor Sergeyev only strengthened the case that the Kursk clashed with another underwater vessel, The defence ministry told Interfax.
An investigation by Russian military experts into the cause of the August 12 explosion on the Kursk nuclear submarine, which killed 118 crew members, resulted in several possible explanations, including one that the Kursk had collided with a US or British submarine.
The US Toledo and Memphis and the British splendid submarines were located in the Barents Sea at the time of the accident but have ruled out any collisions with their vessels.
The US military, which believes the explosion originated inside the submarine, admitted that they had monitored the explosion and later provided Russia with a sonic report of the accident.
However, Cohen refused the inspection request explaining that he did not think it was important or appropriate for the inspection to take place, A Pentagon official told Itar-Tass on condition of anonymity.
The Pentagon's reply was predictable, though on Sunday's level of relations between the two defence agencies led US to hope that Washington might have met US halfway, an official told Interfax.
Bureau Report