New Delhi: As Russia launched its most widespread air strikes since the start of the Ukraine war, India on Monday (October 10, 2022) said that it is "deeply concerned" about the escalation of the conflict. The Indian embassy in Ukraine also advised Indian nationals to avoid all non-essential travel to and within Ukraine in view of the conflict escalation. The embassy asked Indians in that country to keep the mission informed about the status of their presence in Ukraine.


In response to media queries on the escalation of conflict in Ukraine, MEA's Official Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, "India is deeply concerned at the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, including targeting of infrastructure and deaths of civilians."

"We reiterate that escalation of hostilities is in no one's interest. We urge immediate cessation of hostilities and the urgent return to the path of diplomacy and dialogue. India stands ready to support all such efforts aimed at de-escalation," he added.

Bagchi also said that India has consistently maintained since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict that the global order is anchored in the principles of the UN Charter, international law and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states.

His remarks came after Russia rained cruise missiles on busy Ukrainian cities and knocked out power and heat, in what President Vladimir Putin called revenge for a blown up Crimea bridge.

Missiles tore into busy intersections, parks and tourist sites in the centre of the capital Kyiv.

Explosions were also reported in Lviv, Ternopil and Zhytomyr in western Ukraine, Dnipro and Kremenchuk in central Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia in the south and Kharkiv in the east. Ukrainian officials said at least 10 people were killed and scores injured, and swathes of the country were left without power.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said that the rush hour attacks appeared to have been deliberately timed to kill people and said that the Russsian are trying to "destroy us and wipe us off the face of the earth." 

"They are trying to destroy us and wipe us off the face of the earth," Zelenskiy said. 

"The air raid sirens do not subside throughout Ukraine. There are missiles hitting. Unfortunately, there are dead and wounded," he added.

He also later filmed a video message on a mobile phone on an empty central Kyiv street surrounded by landmarks and said that the strikes had two main targets - energy infrastructure and people.

"Such a time and such targets were specially chosen to cause as much damage as possible," he said.

Ukraine's defence ministry said Russia had fired 81 cruise missiles, and Ukraine's air defences had shot down 43 of them. 

Avoid all non-essential travel to and within Ukraine: India advises Indian nationals

Meanwhile, the Indian embassy in Ukraine advised Indian nationals to avoid all non-essential travel to and within Ukraine in view of the conflict escalation. 

"In view of the current escalation of hostilities in Ukraine, Indian nationals are advised to avoid all non-essential travel to and within Ukraine," the embassy said.

"They must strictly follow the safety and security guidelines issued by the Ukrainian Government and local authorities," it said.

"Indian nationals are requested to keep the embassy informed about the status of their presence in Ukraine to enable the embassy to reach out to them, where required," the embassy said.

(With agency inputs)