Srinagar: A total of 34 companies in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) have been banned from carrying out any trade activity on Srinagar-Muzaffarabad road, officials said.PoK) have been banned from carrying out any trade activity on Srinagar-Muzaffarabad road, officials said.


Custodian of cross LoC trade Sagar D Doifode issued a circular to all traders in Jammu and Kashmir directing them not to enter into any export or import business with the 34 blacklisted companies, they said.

The ban has followed joint efforts by authorities of Jammu and Kashmir and PoK to weed out any illegal activity on cross LoC trade routes, the officials said.

The action comes more than two weeks after police recovered 66.5 kilogram of heroin and brown sugar from a truck coming from PoK at Salamabad trade facilitation centre on July 21.