Dubai: A 23-year-old Indian has been jailed in Dubai for sexually assaulting a British woman and faces deportation after serving his sentence.


The man, a deliveryman who was not identified, was sentenced to three months in jail yesterday.

On May 31, the woman, 35, placed an order with a grocery store.

The deliveryman arrived with the items and she allowed him into her garden where she was sitting. After delivering the order, the man procrastinated to leave. He kissed and touched the woman against her will. He ran after woman threatened to call the police, Khaleej Times reported.

During the Criminal Court's questioning, the man denied any wrongdoing.

He contended that the woman had offered him some alcohol and when he refused it the lady fabricated the molestation story.

A forensic expert detected his DNA traces on woman's neck and concluded in a report that there must have been contact between the two through either a touch or a kiss.
The man can appeal against the ruling within 15 days.