New Delhi: The Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi government on Monday told National Green Tribunal (NGT) that the pollution level remained high in the national capital during the second phase of odd-even car rationing scheme. 


In the reports submitted to the NGT, both Delhi government as well as Central Pollution Control Board admitted that the pollution level remained high in the second week of implementation of odd-even second phase. 

Citing reasons for high level of pollution during the implementation of the car rationing scheme, the Delhi government attributed to western disturbances, recent Uttarakhand forest fire and burning of crops in Punjab and Haryana.

On Monday, the National Green Tribunal had questioned the Aam Aadmi Partya (AAP) over its favourite odd-even car rationing scheme and sought details on pollution levels before and after its implementation in the national capital. 

As per the reports, the NGT had asked the Delhi government and the PCB to submit a report explaining the difference in pollution level during, before and after the odd-even scheme. 

The NGT had also asked the Delhi government to explain why it was not emphasising on the pollution caused by dust and burning waste material the way it had stressed on the odd-even scheme.