Sydney: Posting offensive, harassing or defamatory content online may take a few minutes, but deleting it will take a lot of time and patience and what may seem like a lifetime.
According to a report by, if one finds any content offensive or harassing in any nature it is not an easy thing to get rid of. Incidents of online bullying and harassment have become commonplace with the growing social networking.

Despite the fact that social media websites like Facebook and Twitter have stricter guidelines for the removal of offensive content, yet it is not an easy task to remove derogatory content against someone as compared to removal of unauthorized use of intellectual property, the reports said.


In order to get the content removed one must complain to the site administrator and request for the removal. If in case the request is not addressed to then there is the option of approaching a state court to file an order. The biggest hurdle in the removal of such content is when the host site is located in some other country in which the entire process is delayed and the results may take years and yet not always be favourable. It is more than cooperation that is required by the law and judicial officials in order to fast process the case handling. The officials must understand the level to which the content is defamatory and may have dire implications to one`s reputation, the reports said.