London: Former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf has suggested that his country allows the Haqqani network to operate on its soil to stop India from creating an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan.
“If I was in government I would certainly be thinking how best to defend Pakistan’s interests,” Musharraf told The Daily Telegraph.
“Certainly if Afghanistan is being used by India to create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan, we would like to prevent that,” he added.
He further said that the United States must understand that Pakistan has its own national interest. “When the coalition talk of leaving in 2014, Pakistan has to really think, what will be the environment and fend for itself against all the exterior pressures, all the exterior manoeuvrings and political manoeuvrings against Pakistan,” Musharraf said. The former president also asserted that Pakistan must “talk straight” about “why are they not acting against the Haqqani network in North Waziristan”.