Oslo: Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik, who is accused of killing 77 people in a bombing and shooting rampage last year, was a self-styled ‘metrosexual’ who used David Beckham as an example, his friends have said.
The gunman’s friends told an Oslo court that Breivik’s life ‘fell apart’ after a failed relationship with a Belarusian Internet date left him struggling with his sexuality. “That was perhaps his last attempt at dating a girl like the other boys did,” his best friend’s ex-girlfriend told the court.
According to The Telegraph, another friend revealed that Breivik might be homosexual because he was feminine and fastidious about his appearance.
“He used make-up powder, those kinds of things, and he explained that as being `metrosexual`. He made reference to David Beckham being that at the time,” the paper quoted Breivik’s friend, as saying.
Breivik retorted angrily when allowed to respond at the end of the day`s proceedings.
“I have not been vain after 2006, and I`ve never been feminine either. The only function that this powder had was as a cover to hide acne,” he said. He also responded angrily to accusations he had a nose job to appear more ‘Aryan’. According to the paper, four of Breivik`s friends, invited to give testimony, agreed that until 2006, Breivik had been a sociable, perfectly normal guy.