London: Senior Adviser to the Prime Minister on Interior Affairs Rehman Malik paid a last-minute surprise visit to the UK to ``apologise`` to the British authorities for an alleged visa scandal that was reported in the British media recently.
According to sources, Malik would meet British officials to offer his apologies, and also brief them about the investigation into the alleged visa scam, reports the Daily Times.
Sources said British intelligence agency MI6 had already started investigating into the matter. Security officials have also been monitoring the Olympics squad from Pakistan.
President Zardari`s spokesman Farhatullah Babar said, "It is a serious issue and should be dealt on priority basis." He, however, maintained that he was unaware of Malik`s surprise visit.
"I am unaware of his visit. He (Rehman Malik) had a meeting with President Zardari in Karachi. They might have discussed this issue but I don`t know anything about it," he said. British tabloid - The Sun - had reported an "intelligence operative" as saying: "The idea of unknown agents being flown in to the UK to be put up in the Olympic Village beggars belief. Terrorists would have the biggest platform to perform their atrocities. A member of Al Qaeda could fly to the UK on a genuine passport in another name... For all of our sakes this staggering loophole needs closing fast."
In its latest report, the tabloid said, "An aide said Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and President Asif Ali Zardari were appalled after we exposed corrupt officials offering potential terrorists the chance to sneak into Britain with the Pakistani Olympic squad."