Lahore: About 65 terror suspects – belonging to various banned militant outfits - were released from prisons across Punjab province in Pakistan during this year and some of them have gone back to their old ways, according to a media report on Tuesday.

The Home Department has directed a strict inquiry into the case.
"As many as 65 extremists - belonging to various banned militant outfits - were released from prisons across Punjab during 2011, a report prepared by the provincial government revealed," The Express Tribune daily said. Some of the recently released extremists were back to their old ways, indulging in terrorist activities and sectarian violence again, the daily quoted its sources as saying.


After receiving the report, the Punjab Home Department directed the police and other Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) to prepare another detailed report specifying the activities and present whereabouts of the released militants. Meanwhile, the Counter Terrorism Wing (CTW) of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has also sought complete details of the particulars of all the currently detained prisoners on allegations of terrorism and sectarian violence across the country, it said.

The Punjab Inspector General of Police (IGP) also sent a circular to his men and authorities concerned to submit their reports regarding the activities and latest whereabouts of all the 65 released prisoners.

The list included the name of Malik Ishaq - the chief of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), who was allegedly involved in 44 cases, involving the death of 70 people, mostly belonging to the minority Shia sect.
After his release this year, there was a series of gruesome attacks on Shias, after which he has been put into prison under the Maintenance of Public Order (MPO) but is not imprisoned in any of the 44 registered cases.