Jeff Williams
Jeff Williams
Apple ends decades-long relationship with chief design designer Jony Ive
Astronaut Peggy Whitson breaks US spaceflight record: Things to know about her
Mesmerising unseen footage of Earth captured by Jeff Williams tells us that he's equally in awe of its beauty!
NASA astronaut Jeff Williams, crewmates return to Earth
Remembering NASA astronaut Jeff Williams' days in space through the lens – 10 best photos he clicked!
Check it out: NASA astronaut Jeff Williams shares his most favourite view before descent to Earth!
NASA astronauts Jeff Williams, Kate Rubins complete second spacewalk
Astronauts Jeff Williams, Kate Rubins go on spacewalk for 2nd time in less than 2 weeks! - Watch Live
See pic: ISS astronaut Jeff Williams shares a 'very nice' view of Cuba, Keys and Bahamas!
Watch: Jeff Williams shares awe-inspiring video of Sahara desert captured from space
NASA astronauts prepare for second spacewalk on Thursday!
ISS astronaut Jeff Williams wants to place this photograph on his walls! - See pic
NASA astronaut Jeff Williams' camera zooms in on alluring views of these two places! - See pics
ISS astronaut Jeff Williams shares captivating image of the USA's west coast! - See pic
Watch: Jeff Williams shares breathtaking view Canarreos Archipelago, Cuba from ISS
NASA astronaut Jeff Williams goes click-click as US National Park Service celebrates centennial!
Grandpa astronaut breaks US space record
Watch: NASA astronaut Jeff Williams shares stunning view of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
NASA astronauts successfully install new docking ports at ISS
NASA astronauts conduct spacewalk to install docking adaptor
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