Kepler space telescope
Kepler space telescope
Earth-size, habitable zone planet found hidden in early NASA Kepler data
Scientists come across 'Vampire' star gorging on victim
Citizen scientists find new planet, twice Earth's size, using NASA telescope
Astronomers discover over 100 new exoplanets
Planet hunting Kepler telescope wakes up again: NASA
Kepler may run out of fuel within several months, says NASA
Google AI that helped NASA find exoplanets now open for all
Here's how Google AI helped NASA in its discovery of two exoplanets
Big Kepler revelation: NASA discovers a solar system just like ours with eight planets
Do aliens exist? NASA likely to make big revelation soon
Reason behind mysterious dips in brightness of 'alien megastructure' star discovered
Have astronomers found the first exomoon beyond our solar system? - Read
NASA's Kepler telescope finds 219 new planet candidates; 10 of which are Earth-like worlds
Mysterious 'alien megastructure' star starts dimming again, leaves astronomers baffled - Watch video
NASA's Kepler telescope reveals orbital details of TRAPPIST-1 system's outermost and least understood planet
Scientists baffled after mysterious 'alien megastructure' star starts dimming again!
NASA's Hubble triumphs again, discovers moon orbiting solar system's third-largest dwarf planet!
Venus look-alike planet discovered orbiting dim dwarf star!
Exoplanets discovery: NASA's Kepler provides more information about TRAPPIST-1
NASA's Kepler watches stellar dancers in Pleiades cluster!
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