North Africa
North Africa
People voted for the presidential election in Africa's Gabon today
Collapse of Pan-Arab Nationalism and rise of political Islam in Middle East
Spain urges for help to relocate minors from Ceuta migrant crisis
Mediterranean deaths top 1,400 this year: United Nations
Kingdom of Dixit: Indian man proclaims himself to be king of unclaimed land in North Africa
Discovered - Oldest known human species' fossils found in Morocco
Libya asks Italy to arm migrant patrol boats
Boat with 512 migrants, seven corpses aboard reaches Sicily
Italy rescues 484 migrants in Mediterranean, finds 7 bodies
Italy rescues 484 migrants in Mediterranean, finds bodies of seven men
Frenzied rescues in Mediterranean save over 2,000 migrants
Five arrested in Europe on suspicion of forming Islamic State cell
23 Egyptians kidnapped in Libya freed
Italy says 6,000 migrants saved, 2 drowned since Thursday
Three French soldiers killed in Libya: French defence ministry
'Unprecedented spike' in Egypt forced disappearances
Climate change to drive exodus from Middle East and North Africa
Over 76,000 refugees, migrants reach EU in 2016
Islamic State child soldiers kill captives in gruesome video
Islaim State militants pushes east in Libya amid government air strikes
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