New Delhi, Aug 25: The Task Force on Human Resource Development in Information Technology has projected an expenditure of Rs 2,800 crore over the next 7 years to build infrastructure for Information Technology training to meet the growing demand of IT professionals. This includes capacity creation and upgradation at various levels including IITs, IIITs, RECs, other engineering colleges and technical institutions. In his opening remarks at the first meeting of the Task Force here on Thursday, Human Resource Development Minister Murli Manohar Joshi called for developing the RECs to the level of IIT's and sought the co-operation of the States in professionalising the managements. He also asked the States to play a pro-active role in engineering education in areas which lack such facilities He said, his Ministry has liberalised the parameters for granting deemed university status and is also exploring the possible role of virtual universities in expanding IT education. The meeting discussed in particular steps to meet the future manpower requirement keeping in view the target of software exports. The Task Force was set up in pursuance of the announcement made by Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee at the first national conference of IT Ministers on the 15th of last month. — UNI