7 Disney Movies Which Give Life Lessons

Aug 02, 2024

UP (2009)

This Disney Pixar movie teaches us about relationships. How a promise, love, dreams, each other’s support etc. can last if the love is true.

Tangled (2010)

This Disney movie gives a life lesson that it can be tough to step out of your comfort zone but it will give you a lot of experience and will help you know more about yourself.

Mulan (1998)

This Disney movie teaches us that following your heart isn’t wrong and we should do what feels right to us. We should always fight for ourselves even if we have to go against societal norms.

Inside Out (2015)

This Disney movie teaches us that “it’s okay to not be okay”. This tells us that if we’re going through something we should let our emotions out rather than bottling it up.

Beauty and the Beast (1991)

This Disney movie explains the idiom “Never judge a book by its cover”. The beast might have looked dangerous but was soft and good at heart. So we should not jump at conclusions without knowing anyone.

Frozen (2013)

This Disney movie teaches us to accept ourselves as the way we are. Rather than hiding our insecurities, we should embrace them and not fear them.

Finding Nemo (2003)

This Disney movie teaches us to never give up no matter how bad the situation is because it will pass through time. We should always face our obstacles and not fear them.


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