7 CRITICAL Car Dashboard Warning Lights

Lakshya Rana
Aug 21, 2024

Oil Pressure Warning Light

It Indicates low oil pressure in the engine, which can lead to severe engine damage if not addressed.

Tyre Pressure Warning Light

It alerts to low tyre pressure, which can affect handling and fuel efficiency.

Engine Temperature Warning Light

It shows that the engine is overheating, which can cause significant engine damage.

Traction Control Light

It indicates that the traction control system is active, helping to prevent wheel spin in slippery conditions.

ABS Warning Light

It signals an issue with the ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), which helps prevent the wheels from locking up during braking.

Check Engine Light

It alerts to a potential engine problem or issue which could be minor or severe.

Low Fuel Indicator Light

It indicates that the fuel level is low. Refuel as soon as possible to avoid running out of fuel.


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