8 Quick Tips to Get The Best Cooling Out Of Your Car AC

Lakshya Rana
May 30, 2024


Roll down the windows for 2-3 minutes before getting into the car to let the hot air escape from the cabin.

Recirculation Mode

Initially, use "Fresh Air" mode for AC, once the cabin starts cooling down, switch to "Recirculation" mode.

Regular Maintenance

Ensure the regular servicing of the car's AC system. This will ensure optimal performance and prevent issues. Change or clean the air filter frequently.

Park Smarter

Whenever possible, park your car in the shade to keep the cabin cooler.


If parking your car in an open area, use sunshades on the windshield and windows to block direct sunlight.


Start with a lower temperature setting to cool the car quickly, then adjust as needed.

Close Unused Vents

Close the vents that are not in use to direct more cold air to the desired areas.


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