Avoid Back Pain: 7 Posture Tips For Sitting In Your Car Driver's Seat

Lakshya Rana
Jul 25, 2024

Seat Position

Position your seat so you can reach the pedals comfortably with slightly bent knees and a fully supported back.

Seat Height

Ensure the seat height allows a clear view of the road and dashboard, with hips level with or slightly above knees.

Lumbar Support

Ensure adequate lower back support. Use a cushion or rolled-up towel if needed.

Upright Sitting

Sit upright with your back fully against the seat, maintaining the natural curve of your spine.


Align the headrest top with the top of your head to support your neck and prevent whiplash.

Steering Distance

Ensure the steering wheel is close enough for a comfortable grip with slightly bent arms.

Breaks And Stretch

On long drives, take regular breaks to stretch and walk around to prevent stiffness and discomfort.


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