Beat The Heat: 6 Effective Tips To Keep Your Car Cool In Summer

Lakshya Rana
Jun 05, 2024

Parking In Shaded

Prioritize parking in shaded areas or covered structures whenever possible. Avoid parking in direct sunlight.

Sunshade/Car Cover

If shade is unavailable for parking, consider using a reflective sunshade or car cover to deflect sunlight.

Tinted Glass

Explore window tinting options under legal limits to reduce heat and UV rays penetrating the car's interior.


Use ventilation to cool down your car's cabin. Open windows slightly to facilitate hot air escape.

AC Efficiency

Upon entering a hot car, roll down windows briefly to expel hot air before turning on the AC. Utilize the recirculation mode for faster initial cooling.

Portable Chill

Keep a cool towel or a small, sealed ice pack in your car for quick personal cooling on exceptionally hot days.


Following these tips will help you to keep your cab cabin relatively cool. Have a wonderful and safe drive.


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